Sunday 25 April 2021

sucha fool!

 When you suddenly feel like suchaa fool reading your own dreasm here the moments lived where the ziliom times you fekt he ztill loved you wanted you in his life....all these thungs you'd felt all these years presence or absence the way you feel like sucha fool now!!!!!

Exactly why love is the strangest of feelings what it can do to your mind the things it can make you feel make you dream like all that were fragments of your own mind your own imagination all the thungs you'd felt all this while we're just things that were filing uo for his presence.....

And not some real magic like thung happening cause now you lost all that faith in magic love and the things alike....

The only thing there is is the was all your mind all this while all these years all those dreams just you and your mind....

Times wjen you wish you hadn't written out these dreams and momenrs!!!!!!

It's that feeling charlie like you've woken up from a long dream state and it all feels just that ajeeb now......

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