Thursday 8 April 2021


 To this visual of this video he had posted on whatsapp yesterday....

There is this beauuty charlie of videos more than pictures cause in a way it's in life like it's more alive than pictures cause it's hapoening in that very's that feel of ptesent moment living moment vibe of a video.....

That one moment as the zardozi guy discussing smthing about the design and instead you actually reach out to your fone on the table to just live him in that moment it was that strong very very strong feeeeel that strong rush of him ekdum see and you just had to live him and that very same sec some story update and you see it was him.....

Looked like his back door side of the house video with that same almond tree of his that you loved from his other shadow pic....

It looked different the house but that one tree what looked like the back door side but it's that rush of memories that ekdum see flow theoufh you when you see smthing that connects to the most loved time of your life.....

Most beauuuutiful memories right ther at his place that almond tree whuxg you always loved sun throufj the leaves of the trees makes the tree from beneath look all golden and when the season changes the leaves turn in this beautiful shade of almost burgundy which makes the tree look even beautiful.....but the rays of the sun theoufj those branches is magic beyond words.....but to you all of this one side and that moment sound of the koel at the back and that one n only thought on mind how that one visual to record that video must have made his nose twitch to look at the sun.....

Like he was right there making that one most looooooooved face of his in that very moment that one expression that one face that one nose twitch that has your pooooooora ka pooooora heart on it.....

It's that feeeeeeeling charlie where you loved that vibe of living that moment through the video to just knowwwwww that one face one expression he mustve had on while taking that video......

A moment lived and a moment missed that baaaaaad both in one.....

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