Wednesday 14 April 2021

This you 2

 From where to where only it went.....

Sooo yaaah like always!!!!!!!!

Aaj soche thoo ye laga ittaaa badal gaye lilst things and its not the same you anymore.....

This need to just be soon as you are home like it's not the movie or anything else but on days like this one today to just be in your factest corner the Him corner.....

Today the wAaay all those memories rushed theoufb in that instant charlie all those lilst of momemrs him standing and messaging you and then looking at your face how things like these can make you feel even after years to live this moment in a not even close to similar moment to just see Him instead in that moment like you couldn't see the guy instead it was Him in that moment across the terrace of his cousin place across the car across the window pane all and just when you again re realize this beauuuuuutiful feeling of how much of Him you did become....

Not even knowing it not becoming it intentionally but just the way it is now....

Today in this miment that track playing the way he was just touching you away not doing anything nothing at all just to touch your hand your arm your face as the song plays just living your details away to think of it now with every touch of his you did become a lil more Him....the way it just stayed with you the way that day stayed with you and HOW!!!!!

where initially he tells you has a meet at 4 and just around that time knowing it was his way of asking you to leave with no meet you get off anyway cause you didn't want to upset him or maybe was bout nit staying longer where he didn't want you....and you get off arihnd same time and the waaaaay he just holds you away and pulls you back and just that nod of his where you ask him again he had work or meet, doesn't say a word nothing at all just that one stare looking you in the eye and that one nod again......this time it was him telling you he didn't want you to leave and also that there was no work he hqd to attend's just these moments charlie etched you in forever......

Like lilst of moment from that day was to like relive that same love of his for you for the first time all over again after bup.....

It's the way he lives you when that close it's like he is trying to save up th8se visuals maybe knowing how long of a gap he is going to give after like in hus mind it's him saving you up and you doing the same not knowing when you'll see him next....

But kabhi soche thoo lagtaa back then too tjat looooove to just live him's what and how it used to make you feel inside not the hmm kinds only it's different it's that beauuuutifully different right from the very start the first time itself to just live him it just always felt that beauuuutifully it's nothing you ever felt before or after Him...

Kuch aur he ban jaati jabi that very instant the sec you live him live his presence.....smtbung else and the more you write now this feeeeeeeling I tell you!!!!!

How nai just that one face in the world for you like no other like nothing else!!!!!

That much ki it makes you like nithjng else you'd ever been before!!!!!

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