Thursday 8 April 2021

To just transform...

 How immensely beautoful it is for a thought how does one this beauuuutifully become the one you love......

Bit by bit and all at once before you even know it!!!!

To just become someone you love!!!!!! 

Been years now and with every lil thing or realisation how you this beautifully did become Him...back then the same you feared the nites for the obvious reason from childhood, with him anything to everything bout you did change and this beauuuuuutifully like it just did smthing that beautiful to you , his love for you did transform you away this beauutifully.....not juat the likes every lil thing to habits to food now loving churroltos burger wehre you were a neat snadwich lover now a messy burger lover like him to this love for the sounds around just as he used to love finding sound music in the this looove for music to this love for nites now....

This place this corner now of your house is LOVE cause you feel him the mostest when here every nite....earlier it used to be some movie for an hour just before sleep or some series now it's this hour this love for this hour to just be here with his music wind in your hair this gorgeous smell of the mogras and his fav white birds every now n then.....

Him rushing all through you this beauuuuuutifully!!!!!!

Some corners do become your that one corner like no other.....

Sooo much to write sooo many feels since last note and the day today moments of Him.....

It wasn't just bout meeting someone and falling in love it's not bout chance encounters in life it's that one link charlie in life you connect with link with like that missing puzzle of you that you find that fills you up that transforms you completes you like no other......

It's what you feel on the inside it's how you feel it's not random it's not by chance running into someone it's more bout refinding them finding that piece of you finding that one missing puzzle of your life that completes you makes you better makes you feel like bas this is it...

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