Saturday 17 April 2021


 This beauty of some moments be it the ones lived before or the random most ones it's just the waaaaaaaay they can make you feel.....

This thing has always been there charlie right from the very start those lilst of moemnts with him and the waaaaay they made you feel it was that beauuuutifully familiar be it living his beauuuutiful details and the waaaay they used to make you feel....even as friends that need to just be looking in his eyes to see his hands when he wpild show you the blisters cause of the weights or that shoe of his or that sudden muscle pump to show how toned his armed look that day after the set in those moments it was his face charlie pure LOVE!!!!!!!

to just seee him to just be and live him in those moments that sound of his chuckle that frown of his that adooooorable one expression of his when he would ekdum see notice you living his detauos instead of listening to him.....

Right from that very start there was no face nobody else you wold rather live the waaaay he was making you feel things live yhimgs you'd never before.....

It was all that new and yet that beauuuutifully familiar.....


In your place few sips of gin down today a lil strknger for the first time his music playing and just mins back when he is there that beauuuutifully just there and the more you stay living him that need to just hold him away to just touch him or to just see him look him in the eye closest possible way where you could see his lashes his eye brows his adooooorable momo nose his cheeks his pouty chummi his beauuuutiful sky like forehead to jsur live every lil detail that need the more it grows the more he stays and you just get off cause you xoild feeeel that rush that misseeeing grow heaps and boundaries!!!!!!!

Some moments and the waaaays they can make you feel!!!!!!

Also some moments that familiar making you re realize how it couldn't be anybody else how it's always been just Him evry lil thjng that you feel felt ever feel - Him!!!!!!

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