Sunday 25 April 2021


 Words and the way on some days they can haunt you!

Weeks back when she said some day you'll find yourself standing all by yourself when the world around has moved on, that's when it'll hurt the most.....

Thing you knew is one thing but when the thing actually happens when you live that thing it's a different thing altogether!

How someone that one someone's presence no matter how lil it maybe can make all that of a difference and then when that image of your reality in your mind is broken all over again it changes everything away.....almost everything including all that you'd believed all this while....

The way this time felt different this very different!!!!!!

Strangely cause may e this time you didn't expect it not even a bit.....cause also thus time was the longest he hadn't blocked you back so you think it'll stay he'll stay.....just like you did back then!!!!

It did really break you change you like it never did before....

Love is a very strange thing charlie, once you live that feeling it just stays with you and then it does things to your mind that you sort of start living it that way thinkng it will always remain the'll always feel the same but that again is something you either get lucky with or it just doesn't happen...

Kabhi lagta would it better not knowing him at all atleast it wouldn't have been this difficult!!!!!!

Or maybe if you actually were like everybody else not love so much or just change when it's gone just like that! 

If only you were different! Lile everyvody else!

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