Wednesday 14 April 2021

To know...

 Female wear you can skip away the shoot as it's easier to shoot but men's wear you require the outfits to be worn by someone and this is where this guy a friend of the photographer as well as the manager walks in....cause he also is well associated with the stylists n some actor you have no clue bout!

On n off meet with your manager for fittings and trials and today in the noon for fittings out of nowhere still amidst the talks bout the final jacket design and the guy drops in a message standing infront of you asking you for a coffee....that very moment charlie all those moments of you n him stanfing right across the gym and texting you standing right across the street textng you standing across the car getting it fixed at the garage and you sitting in the car and him texting you it was that beauuuutoful rush that most beauuuuuuutiful rush of all those moments his beauuuuuuuuuutiful adooorabke face soon as you look up at him and how happy that moment made you used to make him smileee AYYAAAAAAAAAAAA the waaaaay it used to make him smile......

U just reply back with neither are you into coffee or men.....

There have been these conversations with the guy like random ones and the manager jokes bout how truly Libra he is and that first very question you had to ask when was his's this thing charlie bout bios when your manager talks bout this client needs it urgent or smthing shares the details and this habit of people on insta to mention tne birthday too and you check if it's October 21 the birthday it has to be immediate even writing bout it now sounds madness bur like birtjdays in October and specially that date you made sure the order was delivered on time....

Sooo yah just that loooove to hear that sound of his birthday.....even in the random of things just that loooove for his birthdate too....and the guy mentions bout some other date you don't remember now but just tlivehat sudden level of khushi charlie to just know to just hear birtjday in October cause you alone know what that month means to you !!!!!!!!

The absolute world !!!!!!!!!!!

Sooo yah on n off conversation work related and today just drops in a message asking out for coffee it could've been casual bit the second you see him smile away at you it had to be made clear the after expression of it was priceless!!!!!

Cause you very well know by now what he thinks of you now!!!!

But whoo nai not interested somehow people don't vet and then it gets complicated to even work plus finding another guy model you donno how to.....

That very moment that need to just see him and moemnts like those I tell you can never make any sense.....that very sec there he ws online for a bit but to you again in that moment that feeeeeeeling was beyond words or logic.....

Head out and away immediately asking the driver to just drive around the galli that need to just be on your own with his music!!!!!

Moments like these everytime is when you relive that feeeeling how it couldn't be anybody else!!!!!!

That feeeeeling andar see charlie nai hua's just that numb by now like that one blank feeeling almost like what you messaged not into guys!!!!!

Even writing it out now and recalling that moment hassi nikalri when you did tell Him the same in some chat when asked bout how do you feel bout other guys and you tell him it's almost like impotent and the waaaaaaaay he cracks up that adooooooiiiirably and then comes a long repeat word of chiiiiii how could you say that and askjnf you to stop saying that but that was is exactly what and how you feel......bout other guys!

And when it comes to Him anything to everything even slightest of Him in any way, it's anotjee story another you altogethee!!!!!!!!!

It's not this you at all, not even the slightest.....and the way that you happens happened just with Him...anythunf to everything to do with Him!!!!!!

Just the waaaaay it used to transform you away and HOW!!!!!!!!!!

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