Thursday 8 April 2021

Visuals 2

 Some moments just like that nite when hiy fjnally realised it was love....shooting stars toniye in this moment two shooting stars and that need to live him in that very moment....

Ayyaaaaaaa this sheeeer magical beauty of the nites.....the waaaaay it just brings all Him this beauuuuuutifully!!!!!!!

That echo of his sleeepy voice his sounds as he falls on the bed to those sleep whispers of his just before he fully used to fall asleep.....and that sudden waking up cause you hung up on him cause he wanted to feeel that feeel of you being with him close to him as he sleeps even just by the presence of your sound....

Smthings you recall!!!!!!!


sooooo yaaaaaah back to zardozi the guy insists that's how a design needs to be without any empty patches but in your head that frame that visual from the dream is what and how you wanted it to be....

The final design turns out that beautiful even with that lil empty patch in the corner....smthings nai you see and the waaay they can make you feel that sense of hummaa like to live that visual live that feel vibe of the dream in smthing you work with....

It's that sense of him that you want it your work now cause you miss sharing thus side of your life with him and this you alone know how baaadly you miss this.....

Nothing you were and happiest yet you were today you want to share thus side of your life with that one that loved you wanted you to make smthing out of you adored yoy for no reason at all !!!!!

And you can't.....hence this is your way again adding smthing anythung at all that feels like him....colors design some element that belongs to the most loved time of your life belongs to the most loved you !!!!!!!

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