Thursday 8 April 2021


 At work working on the design of your dreams literally there is this one dream apart from the tree dream of his where you finght beside in some field of wild flowers all around and right in between there is that patch empty where he lays right there beside you closest.....

It's like you turn and there he is with all these wild flowers around the way he just looks at you through them and that one smileeeee charlieee ayyyaaaaaaa that one first initial smile of his soon as he sees you knowing how baaad you'd missed him and how baaad beauuuutifully bad you were living him living his every lilst detail in that moment of finding him....

It's just that calm beautiful feeel of that moment nothing said there's no touching just that vibe of the moment like you just found him in the middle of nowhere and him knowing how happy it truly made you like what that moment meant to you like you can see it in him knowing you that we'll....

And with these works this need to add some element of Him in the kaise bhi smthing lilst of him in some corner of the design....

And this one design with wild flowers crawling over to that one lil empty patch on the top....

Like the zardozi guy actually insists over n over again through the designing process asking for yiy to give a go on filling up the design as that's how it needs to be without any empty oat

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