Saturday 3 April 2021


 His places and the memories they still hold the way they still make you live THAT much him!!!!!!

After all these years too!

Can't get your mind to do anything at all the way it feels this difficult to get your mind off him to do anything's this beauuuuutifully all high him that same off the feet wali feeling that his psy beedi used to give.....almost that same high that it just doesn't wanna land back in the reality!

Just days back still at work and that same restlessness where you just couldn't work keep living him on n off and everytime you see him online write away the missing the love and delete it away too....that's when the line between the then and the now keeps striking back....but to you in that moment to live that moment of closeness with him was all for you that mattered....

Cause iin your weird crazy mind that moment is when he feels the closest like he is just there one window peeche right there as n when you find him online it's all the more crazily surreal is when you are in the middle of work or nowhere at some store crossing road or just waiting for the manager outside the studio....and u get on and he is there and you lose sense n track of everything else around you get away from anybody around find your corner and just stay in that moment live your moment live that feeeeeeling of finding him closest to you in that fone Ku haath lagake feel his presence touch his presence away....

That same kinda crazy need to live more and get away from work and also due haircut and head off to the salon usual lady who does your hair and everytime you ask for her instead of the guys the waaaaaay him again that beauuutiful rush all over again....

Smthings nai charlie even after years decade you just cant get over....that's the beauty of visuals you live him looking at your through the mirror whilst the guy does your hair and the way after he tells you I'm a visual guy I couldn't stand that feeling of some other guy touching your hair just had to be me who could touch it!

Some moments the waaay they just stay with you also the shortest you've gone Inna long time....

Haircut selfie always bout him cause that's a momemt you always find him with you as crazy as this sounds you just do every single time...

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