Saturday 3 April 2021


 Lil do you know or realise how strong a place can make you feel like the waaaaaays it can make you feel and the waaay it can leave you with....

One place and that many memories and even a decade after the waaaaaay it just made you feel that all of him lilst of details from the start to that meet at his other house the waaay it all just rushed through you...

And hasn't been the same after....this you this state of all you the waaay it just feels different this beautifully worse....

Most of you wanting to stay there and the rest of you trying to still make sense of the present life...

Things charlie memories and places can do to you are way beyond any logic....the way there's so much inside of you that just needs to be screamed out loud so much so kii utaa peeke soke got up again watched some movie half way through off n away to your place and this mind again now......

Ever since that evening this need to feel him more live him more...!

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