Sunday 1 November 2020

The gates we jumped...

 When some moments feel this new and THIS beauuuuuutiful!!!!!

It's that beauty of some feels Charlie when you live it after this long....when you least expect ed to relive it again and then get to live it like this !!!!

Out to get a few things from IKEA on your way back his line up of places Inorbit the kbr gallis the lil lil gates of kbr qmart and this feeeeeeeelinf to live him in that moment as you pass em by one aftee the other....

Knowinf now you can live him look at him feel his presence in that moment with you even if it be with the pics sake moment bhi sahi.....but the feeeeling noo charlie it can give u in that moment is waaaay beyond BEYOND!!!!!!

that khushi in that moment to just see him.....

Ayyyaaaaaaaa days those were moments those were!!!!!!!

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