Sunday 29 November 2020

Fingers trace your outline...

 It's that moment when you see his pictures of some outing with his friends one overlooking some lake kinda place by his face that one khushi on his face the way the place behind looks like one painting but it's him charlie.....ayyaaaaa that one HIM!!!!

Back then when you did teach for that lilst while kids in every class but there's always that one kid that will be different from the rest and Him that one kid in the world different from the rest....he is just that beauuuutifully different!!!!!

Everybody else posing and him that adoooorably sitting away with his legs dipped in the water.... To even the whole vibe of his just the way he is just different very very beautifully different....right from that very start it was that thing bout him tjat different walk of his that pulled you to him that made you wanna look at him and stay that way lile you never did before in life.....just be there watchjng that guy that day....just stayed that way like wthcing him walking just walking and yet feeling that beautiful smthing for the first time...that made you wanna see somebody and just stay there watchjng Him...

To that other pic when he is just standing with others but that one stare that one look of his nd like always you don't you can't see the rest around all blurred faces just Him and just the way he looks in that.....some visuals nai charlie it's like a real time flashback like you are living a moment from back then but seeing it right there in the present if that even makes sense ayyaaaaa but that one pic that one him it's the same him messy long hair full grown beautiof his daaadi and him just standing there in the lift looking up at you with that one smileeeeee in that pic he was just right there !!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaa the more you relive that moment that one stare of his this feeeeeeeling now !!!!!!!!!

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