Wednesday 18 November 2020

A missing like this one too!

 On your way back home and this beauty of some habits, for no reason just looking around in that same search of Him...

With that hope kahi thoo dikh jaye....

It's thia routine now with his music playing mind on that missing high mode as usual and that same search of him around....

Just bout close to his fav cofffee place back then on the other side looking for that black vento of his and this one with someone daadi on and that one feeeeel of same heart in your mouth almost for that sec thinking it's him that slow move of ur car cause of the jam and the guy turns and ita not him...

But that one feeeeeeeeeeel that moment left you with...

Strange nai charlie it's not even like ull get to hold him touch him chummi him away in that moment and yet that wait that one search for him.....kahi thoo dikh jaye to just see him...

That one sudden overload of misseeing that one moment left you with...

That one sec of sudden khushi when you thought it's Him.....was smthing else!!

Get on whatsapp to live him for a bit smthings charlie, just that one face in the crowd just that one face in the world for you...

Just Him!

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