Sunday 8 November 2020


 U know it in your heart n all of you that you miss someone real bad like REAL BAD BAD kinda BADDDDD!!!!!

But it's in moments like these when the thought of anybody that gets to see em live their presence or even pass em by across the street makes you wanna be em...

Even that random stranger passing em by sharing that same space as em, makes you wanna be that random one too, just so you could see em, live em, share the same space as em......

Started off with lot of work planning studio planning lights planning to get done before diwali and landed up with all n more HIM!!!!!!

That one picture of his, had all of you fly away drift awaaay in all things just HIM!!!!!


How lucky how truly fuckiiiiing lucky one needs to get to be to just be loved by the one you love...

Sooo yah!!!!

It's that thing charlie you sort tend to do better live better life better when your hearts full of love.....

This diwali felt special cause you already made it special for someone....this thing bout making festivals very materialistic was smthig that sort of always bothered you specially after bhayya when financially it wasn't working out back then.... smthings you write and it just feels that good....makes you feel that bit proud of your own self nai charlie....

So yah it sort of felt materialistic cause the things you couldnt do on festivals, now knowing you are blessed and can today you wanted to do it better for someone else too.....

The house help had been talking bout situations did get worse for her post lockdown n the current scenario and festive time being this busy you couldn't manage it on a working day so you take this Sunday to get few things done for her two daughters to wear on diwali .....

By the end of the day ask her to take it feom your place and that one expression charlie to just see her that happy knowing it was made just for her daughter's in one single days time was priceless.....

Money success getting name of your own having done good for yourself and family is definitely good....come far, but that one expression that one khushi on her face made it all that much more special today...

Nothing like you'd felt before.....

It's this thing charlie bout Love it jsut does smthing that good to you, you change for the better you grow for the better you evolve with time for the better your perception bout not just love but life in general change for the better!!

U see things you'd never seen before feel things you hadn't felt see life like you'd never experienced before.... regardless of their presence or absence it's just the love you have in you that grows with you and on the way transforms you away...

Today workin at the studio sorting things out with flashes of him rushing through you was a beautiful different on your way back watching street lights your most fav thung to trip on with his music playing..

You see him standing right there under your building looking up at you, him in his micro chadddis 5 am almost messy beautiful hair sleepy eyes just bout to head back home nd yet stays there just living your presence missing you in your presence with that street light shining over him and Him looking that much more beauuuutiful!!!!!!

Todays pic his beauuuutofullest daaaadi his long hair just like back then his adooooorable childlike smilee with that lil almost there nose twitch standrad chummmii worthy expression of his, how does one get THAT lucky!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a beautiful Youday in the longest of times...

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