Sunday 29 November 2020


 His daaadi his hair his smile that one stare smthing bout the morning today actially pretty noon late that sec you see him like he'd put up the story just a minute ago and how did you even land there is smthing can never make sense of all the days today in that very moment that strong missing to see to live him and he was there and HHOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

live him for a bit and get off and that one moment as you change the side you actually felt him or it was the him high tjat you already were by then or his music but in that moment you can felt him come face close to you and you touched him felt his face felt his daaaadi and that same thing like back then from Bangalore go close and smell his cheek n daaadi away still holding his face and as you do ayyyaaaaaa that one smileeee as his cheek moves and you move back to see him smile and wake up that moment even after waking up like always you could still smell him.....

This was smthing that has never NEVER happened before....cause he was that real lile actually there same hairdo same him like that face close to you you actually touched him felt him felt his daaadi did smell his daadi like that real!!!!!!

After a moment like that one you were just lost the most beautifully worse kinda lost it was today!!!!!

It was a different moment can't call it a dream for this time cause it was that real....

This one song you really love frm his maroon 5 Sunday morning n the line goes fingers trace your every outline and exactly what and how you feel n live him on whatsapp over his pic and in dreams, fingers trace his every outline......

Mind that beauuuutifully high on him still is as you keep living him every now n then it just feeeels this beautiful charlie.....pata nai why it's lile you are back in time....

As mad ass crazy as this sounds it just does feel that way!!!!!!

Donno why or how, just is the way it is!!!!!

Him that beaaaaaautifullly handsome I say!!!!!


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