Wednesday 11 November 2020


 Mornings like these ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

To just wake up to that feeeeeeeel of him with his smell still all around and then to live him to just be able to live him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa majaani life I say!!!!!!

Still that beauuuutifully high on him with his presence that you could still smell around then in that state of mind to love him on whatsapp!!!!!!!!!

It's in moments like these do you re realise how much you missed these lilst of moments bad!

To when your mom has to go for some neighbour pooja and then to sip away the chai now singing your heart away just living him tumheee bhi kabiii ye sataaaate haiii ayyyaaaaaaa muskuraaakeeee dil kooo churaaaate hai and howwwww!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaa this feeeeel to sing awaaay looking at him dp mein he sahi ayyyaaaa whatttteeeee feeeeeling smthings you just missed that BAD!!!!!!!

Finding moments that still make up for his absence I say are pure joy! 

This heart this you in this moment now...!

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