Monday 2 November 2020

His blue...

 Getting ready for work in his blue, some days it feels like you are back in time same year it's just how the day this moment this morning feels like...

Strangely beauuuutiful, magic like....

Like for real back in time kinda vibes....

Waking up with and to him now , mornings this beauty they hold BEYOND words n logics.....

Today feels different, beautiful, magic like...

Just feeeeela different!

Not sure if it was the dream that landed you in this state of mind, his blue shirt on or just the feel in the air, October I tell you.....

This time it felt special in the longest of times, just two days before your second most loved date of life, first being his birthday, he unblocks you...still with that wonder maybe he did still remember!!

Some days I tell you charlie it's just in the air as you breathe.....

Call it magic...!

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