Sunday 1 November 2020

Moments, flashes!

 It's the waaaay he would suddenly sound charlie like u could sense that in his voice when you tell him you were there and the waaaay his voice changes and asks you to carry on....and you message again if he was free to talk n calls fataak se nd the way keeps checking if you had to hang up and you just lost in him....the more you stayed the waaaaaay that beauuuutiful shift in his voice that khushi of his that u could feel in his voice is like knowing how much you matter to someone it's knwoing how very much you were loved....

That conversation was living him missing you the most he ever had before....and your way of filling up that vibe of being there with him where he wanted the most....

Soooo yaaaahhhhg againn where to where only!!!!

To this bond post of his on insta!!!!

That one immediate flash from holi...

Done playing wearing him top to toe his oversized tee with his noisy gym chaddis....

Him watching a bond flick on bean bag and you on the sofa behind him reading some news paper....

It was that beauuuutiful feeeling charlie lile both of you andar andar waiiiitinf for his sister to go for a bath him watching you with that stare of his and you making sure to divert your mind off him ayyaaaaaaa cause the waaaaaaaaaay he looked that adooooooooooooooooooooorable with messy hair all colroed and still that every bit of yummmmm worthy adoooooorable.....and u try your best to not look at him cause u couldn't keep ur hands off him that one thing to just hold him awaaaay chummmmi him awaaay cause also you were all him top to toe first time....

It was beautiful!!!!!!!

And this one time he starts talking saying asking rather how many holywood movies do you watch and you tell him it's mostly been home alone series only....and the way that one adoooorable chuckle comes and them continue atleast one good movie a week wheecer you get a chance to, promise me you will...

U say a the way he turns and just looks at you again by the sound of your voice maybe did sense u were living him cause he was again talking bout something he most loved - movies....

And this loooove of yours to live him any n all times but most importantly when he talks bout abythubg he loved .....just to see his face look that bit more beautiful his eyes light up his smell that much more beautiful.....

By your voice knew you were lost in him and the way gives you that one glance top to toe through that hour almost beech beech mein with that one biggest khushiii smile of his it was him living you in his clothes for the first time and the waaaaaay it was making him that happpy....

Where this one time when uncle tells him that you shouldn't have worn his clothes would mean smthinf else when your people see yoy that way at your place and insists on asking his sister to give smthinf but the waaaaaay that adoooorably convinces uncle saying just for a few hours that she would change into her clothes before leaving....

It was nothing that happened and yet it meant the world to you... It's that feeeeeeeeeeel charlie lile u remember even after the moments him doing smthinf over his laptop and u keep going to his mirror just standinf there looking at urself in his was a different level of khushii, u do this many a times that this one time when you were doing smthinf else and the waaaay he gets off laptop holds your hand takes youbto the mirror again and living you that way still holding you and watching you top to toe with that one look in his eyes this time that looked felt that beautifully different....

A different for the first time...!

Agaaaain where to where only the mind now in this very moment!!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeee howleeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!

Ye kya kiyaaa!!!!!!

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