Sunday 1 November 2020

smthings you just doo...

 This one thing ever since lockdown like with that it did become your routine one movie every week like you make sure to atleast watch one definitely....

Smthings you do just wanna doo...

That echo of his voice from that movie conversation you relived just last week at around 4am watching some movie on ur own and that sound of his voice as you watch....donno how or what that sudden moment was bout but just that same beauuuutiful pull to all and everything him in that moment...

And just like that out of nowhere in that moment you did become all Him......this has happened many a times which is also why you love this alone tme of yours your way of filling up his absence in thise hours of your day nite rather.....

The more you write n relive him again through those moments n places of his this feeeeeeeling it is filling you up with now...

How what why but just the way it's always been...

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