Wednesday 4 September 2019

Setting the pain free!!

like you live through the pain all these days weeks prolly and before you know it or realize through some news again that its been a month already....

again one of those times when you think you wont be able to get over or through the massive change this time you somehow again did make it...

how, thats another story only poora ka poora !!!!!!!!

only this time the change was enough in itself that you almost dint need any alcohol to get over or lose that state of mind...

and with more self searching soul searching hours of nite reading sometimes and mostly just by your place with his music playing this one reality that you cant change and hence you must only accept the way it is and live with it.....

and only this time stick with this side and way of your life too.... live the reality that it is now just like you did live that side of your most loved reality.....

again taking tooo much work than you can manage to location hunting to festive thing to this dream  today you wake up with.....

again one of its kind that you need to have to skip away writing but this one thing unique bout it that you wake up lietrally singing not just humming but singing one of his most loved songs.....

to that moment when you realize you woke up and still singing the song and whilst singing that need to look for him around cause again the dream felt that real REAL !!!!!!!!!

only to live a day like this one today......

this from now on will be a different version of your love for him...

where you are no longer going to or at least try not to live the "us" that you lived breathed loved through all these years a decade to be precise.... from here on that wont be there you wont from now on.....

your way of moving on as he wanted you to !!

but these lilst of moments and that feeeeeeeeeeel of him in these moments....

new moments and yet that feeeeeeeeeeeel of him still there that it almost made you come back home smiling after a very long time...

very !!

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