Friday 13 September 2019

The unsaid words...

a breezer down and this one song you stumble upon.....

not sure if youll even hit a publish for this one but just this feeeeeeeel to write a letter that goes unposted unsent or unsaid.....

to Him...

to think of it now charlie all this while like you spend that kinda time with yourself like you know realllllly spend that kinda time especially in these most loved hours of his - the late nites...

when its all soo quiet around that quiet that you could almost hear your heart speak...

cause through the day amidst all that sound and chaos around its the mind mostly the mind thats all you can hear..... its in these few hours when its all this quiet nobody to disturb or break intrude this space of yours when you can really could really hear your heart speak....

like you know living every bit of those details all thsi while....

and this feeling last few days and the way sort  of this music only was guiding along !!

some words some sounds again...

do that to you !!

it really does come down to this quote from the same film that you come across in the comments as per usual under the video.....

sometimes it is more important to feel strong that just to be show pretend to be strong...

the song goes and this strange strong need to just write him in your mind like write smthing to him in your mind what exactly you feel now now that its gone !!

like even if it was there it wouldnt have made any sense to you anymore.....

this heavy heart feeeeeling all this while !!!!!

its like you climb up walk down a long long time and suddenly you reach that dead end with that lost blank state of mind not knowing why what you were doing there all this while.... what were you after when there was nothing at all !!!!!!

this is that point !!

every meet after breakup any kind of slightest communication or any try of yours to be close to him be there for him cause your dream made you do so that fear of some occurrence be it news or anything made you be there for him to just know if he is fine like that sall you hoped wanted expected wished for......

to those realizations of anybody absolutely anybody was let in within his limits within his boundary but you..... like you were nowhere close to and always being pushed away.....

without even knowing what your fault was !!!!!!

these words rushing inside of you this urge to just talk to him say it out today more than ever.....

like not sure if it was that restlessness of the recent worst weather condition and that worst feeeeling of not knowig if he is okay if he is safe and you couldnt do a thing bout it neither oculd you ignore it all......

like today you actually in your place picture him in your mind and were actually talking to him sipping the breezer away.....

and some guitar sound from closeby starts to play and that one ting that one sound breaks that flow and is when you realize you were only talking toyourself.....

is when this need to instead write out just say it out came with taht rush !!!!!!

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