Tuesday 24 September 2019

It never was bout making sense....

neighbour leaves she comes to your room asking you but what sense did it make when he has moved on and him telling you the same....

it was never was making sense or loving him trying to make sense of that love.....

it never was bout being loved back and then loving him....

it never was bout you deciding to continue  to love or when to discontinue and move on.....

the love in you the him that you breathe and live with is not never bout trying to make sense of.... there is still that sense of smthing complete even with the incompleteness charlie.....

its still where you can live him its that freedom to live him without havign to explain someone or get away from smting to live him.....

you can just be and live him.....

there is no one nothing holding you back from it its not smthing that you need to reach out like you had to this morning in teh dream.....

you dont have to struggle to reach out to your moments of living him you just can.... you dont have to share that space of feeling his presence with anybody else....

like you know if its a touch you feel a smell you smell or sniff you just know its him, will be him.....

if its a presence you sense you know for sure it just will be him.... even be it with eyes shut, you just knowwww !!

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