Tuesday 24 September 2019

This time it was for final...

this thing has happened many a times her saying smthing over n over again.....

but the way this time you felt you couldnt possibly come out of it.....

like just that thought that weird feeeeeling kept you up for quite long and not sure when you actually slept......

but this one dark room like the slighest bit of light that you cuold see on yoruself as you were standing against some wall being held by someone and that weird feeeling cause it didnt feel familiar dint feel him..... the way it wasnt comfortable it wasnt smthing that calms you down....

it wasnt him......

and before you could make sense of that moment you see a hand over your shoulder and the waaaaay that hand that touch shakes you up in the worst possible way cause all that while you keep breathing sniffing around to smell him and it wasnt his smell it was somebody else..... that hand wasnt his the touch wasnt his.....

it was somebody else.... as it comes closer to your face the hand holds your face you try to move away like try to get out of there and as you look to your side there was this window and right outside were gulmohars and it was raining that weird feeeeling as you reach out your arms towards the gulmohars trying to wanting to be out in your mind still with that feeel of wanting to live him living the gulmohars in rain..... and you couldnt move the hand wouldnt let you move.... and you try to push the man back like  you couldnt any of the man standing but that one blur that shadow and just the hand trying to hold your face and keep checking again as it was troubling your mind away how could it be anybody else as its always been him.... how could that hand be of somebody elses how oculd that smell be not of him.... like how could it all be somebody else and you couldnt feel him you couldnt reach to living him to that visual of the gulmohars in rain......

like you just wnated to out and live him in rains and youcouldn move yourself away from there with that hand constantly tryin to touch you and you couldnt move it away even as you push the hand making sure it dosnt touch you......

and that one put in all you could kinda push to move the hand away from your face and you wakeup.......

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling i swear when you wake up and realize it was just a dream......

prolly the first time ever you couldnt thank enough for having woken up from a dream.....

like that one waking up today was smthing youcould never be thankful enough all your life.....

to just realize all that was a dream, it was just a dream......

like that one moment it really did wake you up from what you were just botu to do......

head out first thing and tell your mom youll be home soon from work today as you wanted to  talk to her.....

she had that biggest widest smile on her possible but you sure knew what you had to do.....

like thsi time you actually wanted to sort it out for once.....

and never have to asnwer that one question again.....

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