Tuesday 24 September 2019

Soo full !!

when you are this full of smthing be it love be it conversation or feeling or just that smthing that you are not sure where to even start from.....

like  to just be vocal bout him prolly for the first timee in detail like this was smthing else !!!!!!

like smthings you only realize the beauty of it when you actually live it for real...

and then makes you go beautifully numb still wondering whoa that was smthing else !!!!!!

smthing like youve never experienced before !!

waaaaay beyond the beauty of the most beautiful words bhi...

to just be vocal bout him...

and in ways you thought you never would like your state of mind state of complete you for that matter like in that complete one Him zone as you speak bout him and feeel yourself losing all the more in him.... in almost a flow like state !!

and once done this feeeeeeeling now soo full of smthing that beautiful that beautifully ironic like you cant dont really know where to even start from...

is when you know the only thing that could set this state of you free is to write the feeeling down....

and just set it free...

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