Tuesday 28 September 2021

Trippy mind I say!

 And just like that a happy heart sluppped away into a nap some days just the way waaaaaay they make you come alive some sounds that make you allow you to feel him and HOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

This mind today ever since that very start of the day to the waaaay it just flowed through the day one journey one epic journey it almost felt like body that still mind that beauuuutifully flying high on a trip if it’s own visuals and sounds can tooooootally do this to you!!!!!

This you today just the way you felt today has been after a very very long time almost like his presence the way lilst of moments almost allowed you to sort of feel him around you feel his presence over around you !!!!!!

It’s just this beautifully crazy and almost magic like !!!!!

Held your hand and there you go and howwww wowwwwww wowwwwww!!!!!

Basic visual as this and this mind this beauuuutifully high on him even after the waking up some days I tell you howleeeeeee YOU were missed again like never before if you only knewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

Visuals like these night sky like this mind flying high body moving to a beat of its own shut your eyes all you see all you feel all you live is Him!!!!!

Almost October the month of your LIFE!!!!!!!!

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