Wednesday 8 September 2021

His sound...

 It’s the second you listen to it with the show on that first sound goosebumps it’s that feeel charlie almost like touch but with a sound...

Like he was just there in that moment like a touch of his but with a sound in that very a dream moment that you are living but with your eyes wide open like you are all by yourself watching and just with that sound shut your eyes away and that feel of his touch like he just held your hand in that moment is what and how his music felt like!!!!

It was that beautiful madness I say!!!!!

Smthings nai are just beyond you like you have no reasoning control over what and how smthings can make you feel like and that moment right there was all n bout that!!!!

Straight from that moment being drawn and pulled out and dropping you back in time in his car with that moment of him sharing it with you...

Like he that beauuuuuutifully clear from that moment as you live him and that moment with this track playing instead !!!!!

It’s been such a long missing from that missing that very day with him to this one today years after in his absence!!!!!

Been one beautifully weird day I say today!!!!!

Where did you go wrong so wrong !!!!!

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