Sunday 19 September 2021


 Some movies and it’s like reflections of him of his sound singing humming away any track of the Beatle’s to you too the way he was that beauuuutofully transforming you away by the way he loved you…

Mornings when he would wake up and on some days call you first thing and ask you to sing a song for him in the middle of the day and mostly it used to be his beatles track!!!!

Being the worst singer possible to just sing away out n loud to him cause you never did before and yet the way he would just listen to you that happy chuckling away and sometimes just that beautifully quiet listening to you and then asking you never did this before right and you not sure what he was asking you bout and you ask him if it was singing to someone and then he adds not just that setting yourself free like this!!!!

He sure was that world for you to hide away in just be there and finally find yourself back again!!!!!

The only place and person that knew the real you that beautifully well and much more than you ever did yourself!!!!!

Some movies the sound the vibe the visuals that beautifully life like!

When you miss the most what you had!!!!

Pure Magic…!

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