Sunday 19 September 2021


 Beatles stories his mind and love for the skies to some doc update and you somehow have to need to see it it’s like standard Him, anything he recommend gottttaaaaa see it give it a listen that kinda love for his mind too!

To these phrases now this one sarcastic habit your manager has reading out some nonsensical phrases that says don’t love too much which you very well know by now or that never chase men they never want you to if they had to they would’ve!

It’s these weird awkward moments that you mostly ignore cause it’s a world that you ignore 99 percent of your life also where that same 101 percent is living a life of your own in your mind strangely though which also has you lost sometimes…

Suddenly some date smthing and you realise that’s how long it’s been the wait the love all of it and any of it!!!!

To this strange sickness that you had Fever with for 2 weeks good much much better since the last two days it’s been weird getting the tests done all clear and you just didn’t know what was wrong it’s when you feel that ahh that felt familiar after a decade almost that same feel of missing!!!!

To today watching some random movie and this one visual where the guy couldn’t tell her that he loved her over cofffee and he just steps out and looks at her through the glass window of the coffee shop and has a conversation with her in just actions where none of them could make any sense what the other was talking bout and yet there was that beautiful vibe of a conversation and through that she realised he loved her……

Over a decade ago at the gym on the treadmill he just finishes his set and heads out stands down in the middle of the steeet and in actions talks to you asking you to come out come down or smthing random where he is laughing you are laughing cause you couldn’t make sense of a single thing he was talking bout yet he just stands there autos moving people walking past by you with people around working out beside and yet lost in a world of your own conversation of your own…

Where moments later he just stands there against his car still looking up still having those lilst nothings of a conversation!!!!

To when couldn’t take the mush of the movie any longer and look for something else to play and there it was Yesterday…

It was a trailer of a movie that you’d watched prolly 2-3 years back it was based on the beatles and you loved the trailer itself cause the lead had a scene with a missing front tooth just as his and some scene where she says bout how she had waited for him to love her back almost all her life or smthing it was……

Today when you finally see it’s available on Netflix now that one feeeeeeel I say the Him day made again!!!!!

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