Tuesday 28 September 2021

Sound n visuals!

 On some days when you feel this way feel him with some sound relive moments of him with some sound the way it still makes you feel is when you realise how just his memories still make you feel like nobody’s actual presence ever did not even close lilst close leave alone feel the same way ever again!!!!!

Just his memories to just feel him live him with some memory with his sound playing…..

This track is all or atleast almost what his presence used to feel like…

This morning with the most beautiful dream of his that you can’t write for a zillion reasons also why lately you try your best to not write cause the aftermath of writing is like amping up the missing by a zillion notches higher!!!!!! To what it already was like !!!!!!

So you do your best to hold it all in just so the missing doesn’t get any worse than it already was!!!!

But some days like these when it’s this beauuutifully I sync and in flowwwww you just can’t helpppp but write it out let it out awaaay!!!!

From that dream to the state of mind you already were in like not a single word and just smiling away having chai your mom talking bout smthing you lilooking out avoiding direct eye contact cause you just couldn’t get that smile off I say!!!!

To this one sound of wings flapping and you look out and there was this beautiful huge eagle right outside the balcony just flew past by…..

Literally run out to see and there it comes again with that one beautiful turn zoooop takes another turn and again comes closer to your balcony that you almost allllllmost touched it it was that close and as it takes that turn beautiful slow turn with its big beautiful wings spread across just that one word one feel one visual one loooovvveeeeeeee HIM!!!!!!!

Him just like that exactly same that way security checks and zoooop used Togo his arms up high shoulders high over standing on that lil step at the security checks and you standing right there just living that moment of watching that one gorgeous human bird almost bout to take a flight as he gets off turns around looking for you you still in aweeeee of him smileeeees that smile at you wondering what made you that happy just standing there exact same question as you come close Kaiku ittaa khush ho rai!

Some moments even as you write now you can exactly feeel how you felt everytime in that moment…

Every single time to wait for that moment take those slower steps to stay a lil behind him just so you could live Him that way, the most beauuuuuutiful Human Bird I say !!!!!!

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