Tuesday 28 September 2021


 Soooooo yaaahhh!!!!!!

Exactly whyyyy you stay away from writing !!!!!

That almost felt like flying back in time and standing right there living that Moment of watching him bout to take that flight!!!!!

To that moment still standing there in the balcony watching that visual and reliving him and having that talk with yoruself and the eagle still not as beautiful as him!!!!!

Fone rings and your mom asking you for the password of your fone and then saying why do you keep difficult ones and you just go unlock the fone as she had to talk to the manager bout smthing you still at it again smiling again head to the balcony and wait for the eagle to come back for the turn , the only person in the world who would know your fone password without even you having to tell him - Him!!!!!

Some andar wale conversations I tell you that lil chuckle your heart has over nothing at all are the most beautiful!!!!

To finding this track while brushing or shower it was and the waaaaaay it immneeeeediatelllky felt like Him in a sound!!!!!

The waaaaay it was just elevating that feeeel of him what you already were dealing literally dealing with cause the smiiiile on the face I tell you like a moment when your manager comes home and first thing comments is how pink your cheeks were today!!!!!

Like that smileeee just wouldn’t go I tell you!!!!

To that moment of realisation when she was completely drenched and had to change and you ask her to in your room and heads for shower or no clue and asks you to check with the furniture guy cause he had been wanting to talk to you or smthing!

But the very first irority like always the sec you see her fone HIM!!!!!

U literally head over to the washroom asking her how long more she will be taking to just take her fone back and she doesn’t say a thing mins more and finally to just live that one red circle going round round hitttttt it call of the gods!!!!!!

On his way to Bombay passing by a Blue Bird bus the very sight of it ayyaaaaaaaaaaa if he only knewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! 

Him the very HIMMMMMMM being the beautiful blue bird I sayyy to the track Shazam it away no results keep hitting it over n over again no results!!!!!

But the beauty again the way the track you’d already found sounded that beautifully semilunar to this one of his…..

It’s been this thing the waaay this lil one crazy wish not really wish but smthing you reallllky that bad wanted him to mention song names with his video and that one surprisingly comes true atleast some wishes do thankfully and this one you had to shazaaam the life out of it and yet couldn’t find any result!!!!!

But the way this track almost well almost made up for it cause the waAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it’s making you feel Him I say is smthing else only !!!!!!!!!

Like to another level wala feeeeeeels I say!!!!!!!

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