Sunday 5 September 2021

A beautiful irony!

 It’s been last 2-3 days for a zillion reasons when the missing suddenly has gotten that much more worse than it already was and with that that constant search mode on waiting for that every chance to get your hands on ur managers fone and keep checking to just live him for a bit!!!!!

Like it’s that bad ki u ask her to stay back at your place with it raining heavy too but the reason you know why it was the way it was!!!!!

It’s also when you hate the block more now!!!!!!

Like kyaaaa Karleti thi!!!!! Why the block!!!!!!

Also when this state of mind you struggle with!!!!!

There’s this ocean of missing that you that strongly feel making you feel his love for you and then there’s this another ocean full of doubt and questions!!!!

And you just go with the first one let yourself float away with and to how it’s making you feel off late!!!!

To moments when places play his music now almost everywhere you go like it’s just there just that beautifully there....

From his Adnan track to his famous lost words one that bring two versions of you along and how!!!!!

It’s like every memory of his with a bg score of its own the sound plays and with it that version of his love for you unfolds with it and how!!!!

It’s like you are sitting there working and that first second of the sound falls Upon your ears and that very second gone you were!

Woooosh bolke that beautifully gone it’s like a touch and suddenly the world around goes blank visuals sound everything else goes blur all that stays is that sound of his music and the memory unfolding with’s like he was there from that very moment just this one the way it makes you feel a lil shaky trembly for obvious reasons the memory with it it a ki you had to get off and get out and away get in the car and just be covering your face away in your’s when you just Donno how to fight that feeeeling that almost awakens that side of you!

It’s when you love living it and also don’t wanna relive it at the same time!!!!!

Cause the after feels of such memories n moments is only when you feel the most helpless too!

Mind I tel you!!!!!

Love I tell you!!!!!!

HIM I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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