Wednesday 8 September 2021

The sound...

 There is always that bit of magic of the sound in your everyday smtimes that random and smtimes most times that beautifully in sync to a dream or moment you’d just lived!!

There was this horrible pathetic realisation of seeing yourself same as what and how you’d felt for someone random and block them and then to see yourself same place in of all the people in his life!!!!

Like anybody else in the world you wouldn’t even care less but to see picture imagine feel yourself in the same place as those blocked ones today was the worst feeling!

Being slammed with a reality in worst way possible kinda feels today!!

Then much later in the evening when your manager refers some fashion link and you stay up watching  a series of Parisian fashion links and this one show has a bg score of his kaya project track in an instance all that noting down design stuff watching work or anything at all just that beautifully vanishes away in a second and all that stays is him all of Him with that sound playing in his car on your way dropping you back home after one of those post bup meets.....

Plays this track kaya project from London smthing and then you ask to play it over again cause you loved it and that one smileeeee of his signature smile of his when you love smthing of his and then says you liked ye wala then you must listen to this one instead and plays from Mumbai track and that feeeeeeeeeel the second you hear the very first note itself close your eyes away and that feeeeeeel of him it fills you up with all that pain all that missing in notes in sound is exactly what and how that track felt like... it was more bout missing that him that bad in his very presence and as you open your eyes mid track him still watching you with that change in smile this time like he wanted you to sense smthing else too and you look around and he was driving through the stadium wali Galli to drop you home and then plays the track over again and you just look back at him and the way he says I knew you love it like this......

U clearly remember not saying a word until then bout the track but like always just by your face he did sense what and how you felt bout that track of his just by your face not a word nothing at all!!!!!

Only after you tell him bout the track how strong and beautiful it was and he just goes on with the nods that one smileeeeee on him and the yaa yaas!!!!

Plays it over n over again almost all the way!!!!!

It was prolly the first time that you missed him his way with his music cause it had always been his way to link some track with you like that specific track made him feel like it’s you in a song and that day it was That sense of missing him that bad in his presence with that sound of his... that one song for you was all n more bout that!!!!!

Missing him in his presence when you couldn’t go close again when you missed his love for you missed all of and any of him in his presence as the song plays!!!!

It’s that beauty and magic of music with just a sound suddenly almost all your life or the moments that felt like Life n love start to unfold away, with just a Sound and how...

Today when like always everything around just blurred away in that moment all that stayed was Him that beautifully all him and his sound of music...!

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