Wednesday 8 September 2021


 This thing bout some moments charlie like you live them and it suddenly opens you up to smthing that you’ve known for long now but who hota nai kisi aur pe waisa Khud kiye tho u realise achaa this is how it feels This is where you yourself stand for someone!

It’s ajeeb very ajeeb feeling.....

This thing bout posting smthing on Instagram and then making ur acc public with that one feel in corner of your heart that one strong feel that maybe he does see ur account or if he does it’s in a way sharing with him his own moments where smthing anything you felt him strongest in a moment and then to save that moment away in a pic...

And then turn it back to private cause of the random messages and this one account of some male model follows you and then a message and you block the account immediately! To today again some random account leaves a long kya kyaaa ki senti compliment kinda comment over your picture and block another one again!

Only after you were done with it and right in the middle of working on smthing that one sudden feel this is why people are blocked cause you want to draw the line and keep your life moment away from that specific person just so they stay or are made to stay away from you!!

Is why you block them to keep them away from you!!

It’s like suddenly all those self felt feeeels that you’d been living all this while suddenly made no sense at all!!!!!

Like ekdum se dhadaaaam bolke the reality hit you away again!!!!!

Some realisations nai charloe can almost eat you away in an instant!!!!

Like suddenly being hit with something that strong that it puts back the sense in you makes you come back to the reality!!!!!

Like suddenly nothing makes sense anymore and also suddenly it makes that much sense.....

It’s with that disgustment that bitter smthing to put someone away to draw the line just so that person doesn’t enter or know about your moments doesn’t interfere with your life you block them away and all this is while this is exactly what he must’ve felt bout your presence any kinda presence in his life and hence the block every time to put you away to just make sure you don’t see or live any moment of his!!!!!!

And yet here you were with all this rushes thinking it was cause of the other way around.....

Mein aisi lagti uskoo charlie that one realisation you standing in the same place as the people you block away was the worst one!!!!!

Delete him off on WhatsApp to just not adding up to what and how he already felt with your presence....

It was a strange feeling it just felt that weird to realise smthing you’ve always known but it’s when you do it yourself to somebody and then see yourself in the same place as the other is when it really truly hits you!!! Okay this is why bolkeee!!!!!

It’s these moments one corner to the other there was this realisation side to it and the other moment that beautiful!!!!

Some extremes I say!!!!!

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