Tuesday 21 September 2021

Sound the sound!!!!!

 Moments like these ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

This beauuuuuuuuutiful feel feeeeeeels of Him I say!!!!!

Lights off in your place over looking the nite sky had to hit on some lucky Ali track reaching out for water and galti se ayyaaaaaa suchaaaa beauuuutoful galti I saaay!

Hit this track instead close your eyes this feeeeeeel of him like you could almost live his hands move to the beat of the sound like you could almost see him live the sound just like he used to the waaay he just lands in that zone his face his body language his hands it’s like lilst of him to all of him the waaay he just transforms away to and with some sound that he really liked that one face his eyes closed or goes that bit adoooorably tiny his hands moving that slow to the beat his body posture eases out a lil more ayyaaaaaaa some tracks and as you are living him that one second open your eyes and it’s raining out……

A moment of living him just like that beauuuuutifully made!!!!!

Howleeeeee You gorgeous lil big beauuuutoful thing how only You were missed abhiiii k abhiiiiii in this very moment here!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaa uskuuuuu tight geeeeeeeli chummmii feeeel hooojanaaa imagination mein that is abiiiii k abiiii with that feeel of ineee yaad Kari bolkeee!!!!!

Mind I tellll you a new delicious wine a beauuuuuutiful him of a track the waaaaay it’s making you feeeel now howleeeeeeee howwwww beauuuuuutiful you thing I say!!!!!

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