Sunday 22 August 2021

Words, connect!

 It just suddenly feels this better after writing it out and also when you feel this rush of missing now!!!!

Some sounds and words can do this to you!

Make you feel things make you relive things and sort of answer away answer it all away that goes unsaid or that remains a question!!

Some questions are complicated and the answers are simple - this one quote line on one your most followed pages sort of said it all away!!!!

When most of the things to do with him and your reality sounds seems complicated and the very same him most of it gets all answered away in and with your dreams and moments !!

Things that make you question days that make you question moments and dreams answer them away and HOW!!!!!

He always felt the place where you belonged where you just had to stay no matter what...ever since that very first stare with him where it made you stay He made you stay almost held you away it’s always been that way a way you’ve never felt like before...

The way He was is always where you belonged...

Even now as you write and relive those moments the way it’s always been tat way that one pull that one feeling of being drawn to him like that’s where you had to be... even with his absence the way the dreams pulls you closer to him again making you feel is where you belonged!

Mind this beautifully high on him now shutting your eyes on between to relive that beauty of him no wonder his love for nites and music with it!

Howleeeeeee You beautiful lil big thing how only you were missed!!!!!!!!

Smthings I tell you smthings only!!!!!!

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