Wednesday 25 August 2021

The calm...

 Definitely one of the most hectic days in the recent times!!!!

When the master suddenly falls sick and is hospitalised and you just didn’t know how to get the work done and before dispatch time and the limitations that come with it!!!!

To when the master mentions bout wrong medication and the reaction and you rush to see with your manager shift to a better hospital gets diagnosed with some infection then to get the tests sorted and rush back to the studio then to tackle with all that had to be managed was much worse than the understated word chaos I say!!

Carpenter work client meet dispatch time schedule juggling with all of it and in the middle of some discussion and the manager had to attend the electrician and that sound of rains out head out and that one visual of seeing somebody walk in white tee cream chaddis and white shoes you already were listening to niladri it’s that need to find the calm amidst handling chaos charlie and whenever some situation like this strikes that you can’t handle niladri plays and today in that moment it was too perfect that one beautiful pull of the moment that beautiful rush of him and that same second your managers fone goes ting with some message and she asks you to check it it must be some number she wanted to give you or smithing it was and the first thing to see him get on Instagram that one beloved circle there hit it and ayyyaaaaaaaaa you realise you alwaaaays loved his foot too and today with sock on it was looooove at second sight I say!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the way he moves to and with the sound of music!!!!!!

His hands you’ve alwaaays loved and with music playing it’s magic in motion today his foot his toe moving to and with the sound ayyaaaaaaaa toeee ku pakaddd keeee khaaalene ka mann kiyaa charlie I swear!!!!!

Ayaaaa that one slow saxophone or smithing jazz instrument it was and the waaaay his toe goes ting ting to and with the sound and then when the sound starts to stretch the tings stop just the sight of his feet in sock to the wooooosh memory flash how to just see him wear his socks on back then was smithing you loved that much!!!!!

Struggling to lift the leg and then put the sock on and that one adooooootable sound of his hummmi after the sock is on!!!!

Visuals and the waaaay they are this beauuutifully tied to a memory... you see it live it and voila the memory unfolds!

Almost magic...!

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