Wednesday 11 August 2021

Just Issa different

 It justttt is difficult difficul Kate auto correct I say!

Say he says right I say

Difficult thooo hai but different bhiii lagraaa

It just is not feeeelinh normal wala missing cos u can just feeeewwwwwel it in you in your bones heart n mind I say

It just feeela different sapne me in different different boot boot beauuuutkfylkkky different horaA ekdum seee so is it in the day tooo

His music people wearing his shirt around his chaddisss around kid walks upto u at the coffee place u love now and sits beside you chatting away ask the name Chetan auaaaaaaaaa

Uskuuuu Pakad keeee first thing hold him awayyyy as his mom looks on and turns out to be your managers friend tell her that u had both doses of vaccination and hold Chetan away one more time

The way that Chetan still stays beside as u were working on designs ayAaaaaa. But that feeeewwwwling I say!!!!!!

It’s nai not normal Charlie see it just feeela very different cos suddenly it’s giving u that happy vibe on the inside that same love of his vibe that you can feel breathing rushing through you it’s that strong feeeewwl screaming through you he loves you he misses you like you can just feeel it that strongly beauuuuutkfully feeel it you can’t hide Away fight it away nothin upto uuuuu

AyaaAaa this is getting that weirdly beautifffyl I say

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