Sunday 8 August 2021

Sense of belonging!

 When you just cant get over the way what and how you felt connected with the dream this morning...

It wasn't like charlie you missed smthing and you dreamt it but it was more like ok this is what you were missing bout me and here I am making you live what you missed verbally was just that beautifully connected!

Smthings when they make more sense when you live a continuity of a moment or a feeling...there's always been that sense of belonging to Him...

No matter what it's always been that way with his blocks the distance the way that one sense of belonging to him never really changed moved even a bit....

But it's been different recently past one month it just feels strongly more real donno why how it just feels different and more real like it's not just your mind but that feel of being his with these sudden strong rushes past one month se connecting with dreams only after that feeling feels more real.....

Ye sab kya hora nai maloom charlie dheere dheere poori pagal tho nai hori kabhi dar bhi lagta!

Aise kaise you can feel smthing this strong even with the very obvious behavior of the blocks to keep you away and yet feel him and his love for you it's only getting added on nai one more time after the othwr!

This only mind I say!

Was weird as it is it's only getting weirder but that one beauty of being this weird to live him I say!!!!!!!

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