Sunday 8 August 2021

Something bout it!

 All these years charlie it’s always been bout that sound out of nowhere that some visual some any sound his dreams and off late very recently it’s been that strong gut feeling like smithing that strong just moves you away that sudden strong shift in you that you feel no matter where you are what you are doing smithing in you just shifts with that strong feeling of him it’s nothing yet everything in that moment...

It's that sudden string smthing that you feel and just that sudden strong misseeinf that just rushes through you ki you just miss him that no sound no visual nothing that just connected and yet the waaaay it just strongly connects strikes that chord in you with that rushhhhh of him rushing through you!!!!!

Like today for instance at a coffee shop discussing bout lighting qnd manequins placements and stuff and just that strong feeel and you just space out like there's no sound out of your managers mouth like just her lips moving people walking in n out and you just that beautifully numb to everything outside all that was there was that rush of him that you could feeel in you just him n you in that's like with eyes wide open it's just that feeeeeel of him that feel of being drawn towards him all of you still there and yet all of you that beautifully drifting away...

Things when you know and yet the way these moments feel off late including the one last nite and this morning when you feel live his presence exact same way what you missed his presence with last nite things like these are beyond normality it's beyond logics or reality.....even when you know and yet the way his presence still connects with you in moments like these making you feel otherwise exactly the opposite of what you thing he thinks and feels for's that feeling in those moments charlie like he does still love you!

As mad ass crazy as this sounds it just feels this!

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