Sunday 22 August 2021


 There are things then are the things !

That voice inside you when you do smithing and that one ring ting that goes all loud.....

Every single time you see the managers fone now that one urgency and then that feel isn’t this smithing that he didn’t want you to is why there is the block!

And you kee your hand off the fone!

And then there are these moments some sound like yesterday working on a lehenga design with some client and your manager with some friend walking over starts talking to you instead discussing bout the lift design that he would love to work on with you and then gets all chatty bout your shirt colour on you and that one sound at the back that they charge the track with and that one pull to just hear any track of his in that very moment cause it made you feel smithing and it was a Nicholas track of his!

Get off n away stand out looking at the roads cars passing by people passing by and suddenly all that stayed was the sound n Him rushing through you like suddenly you couldn’t visually almost see anything the way it just makes you shut your eyes away live that vibe of him that rushes through you that strongly makes you move a lil it just is that beautiful charlie it’s beyond words or logic the waaaaaaaay it makes you feel in that moment like suddenly he is there with you just beside you in that very moment!!!!!

Finally after a few mins when you get back in the client had left already and it was just the manager and you and how again she had to cover it up for you and that one question from her is he even scared to lose you! Cause if not all this doesn’t make sense!

That one question those many questions whenever somebody tries to flirt or be extra friendly and you have her talking commenting smthings bout it and then mentioning how she actually in a way had this crush on you specially seein you that way suddenly off n away or that sudden smile even with just music on or her asking how people run out for a smoke suddenly you just run out for smithing looking for smithing and it actually is like that , looking for him...

Also why Tamasha the movie is one of your most loved ones and definitely most underrated piece of art!

The male character most beautiful but also when the female character less mentioned credited for and now you relate to even more also knowing why you loved it!

There was that you that left with Him...

That real actual you and that you you get to live smtimes in moments like these when out of nowhere some sound or just that one shake that one rush off late that makes you live him and with it you live yourself a lil!

Where smtimes that him in you comes out with some sounds the way he used to call you my favourite person and the wayyy he would pronounce perrrson in that very peculiar way in that moment and just a day before with some random conversation when the manager says you are my favourite and you end up replying back mazaak mei you are my least favourite perrrrson his way and just after saying it his way exactly the way he would say it the way it makes you smile in that very moment cause in that moment you heard him say it after years that one beautiful echo!

To the times when you see couples smtimes running together at kbr stuff in traffic and you just live that Mormont that day with Him when he takes you there and makes you race with him and then slows down letting you win and that one stare of happiness in his smile just looking at you as you run with him.....

To this random moment today at dinner out with Mum n manager first time finally and that one sound that one techno chill track plays and them talking you close your eyes live that sound and that same feeeeling you should’ve been here to listen to this that one rush of him!!!!!!

Get off that need to just be away and while leaving ask for her fone saying you had to make some call or smithing see him and there was this change of dp you could see him barely but that beautifully shot the sky the light around him and that mind of yours get off and that one skoda same blue as his just passses by swiftly towards parking and that strange love of yours to see 2727 on cars walk a lil knowing strangely for sure that was numbered the same find it parked right there and it sure was a 2727!

Some things charlie you don’t need a reason to be happy bout cause those are the very things that could possibly make you happy in the most inexplicable of ways could be the lilat random thing but to you in that moment means the world...

Stay a lil there and then finally head back in and that first question done with your smoke comes from her!

It almost is like that now that moment to just be away and be Him high on!!

Be it those visuals from the dreams no wonder mornings fields all around and right behind that lil twig of wildflower to see live a glimpse of him turning towards you with that smileeeee asking you in ishaara just like he used to back then what’s up!

And you like always living that veauuuuuuty of him!!!!!

It’s bout these moments charlie out of nowhere when you feel him then go looking for him and then find him and that feeeeel it leaves you with.....maybe also why these visuals are that way from the dreams look for him everywhere and then have him beside you just like these random moments with that pull with that music of his that sort of pulls you off n away almost holding your hand and taking you to him...

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