Monday 30 August 2021


 THE sunshine of your life literally that one face of his that one presence of his is like your ultimate Sunshine...

Leaves her fone off to the counter to place the order having a chat over which burger to order and you sitting there down with cold looking at the soup to her fone what almost fekt like one tennis match only....

Where to see and if to see him or not!!!!

And keep giving yourself another extra minute okay if am not supposed to watch she will be back early and if I must must watch she is going to take forever to order that one single burger!!!!

So blame it on the powers of the sky I say she took forever and you landed on your most loved place I say...

Him- with a Beatles track bg sunrise lil video moment!!!!!

Smthings nai charlie nai actually anythung to do with him and some shots he takes even though nothing bout you not even close anuwhere but it's that ahhhh feel to just live his mind his state of mind to live his moment!!!!!

Smthing else!!!!

It's just that beautiful comfort that it fills your heart with cause lile always eveytime sick the scary dream and this time he grows even taller bigger and much beautofullllller and holds you away literally and brings closer to his face that close like that THAAAAAAT close even writinf it now!!!!!!!

And he just asks you in that beauuuutiful high shy tone of his v0ice from back then are you asleep! And touches your face away with his finger tip cause that's how big his hands were but lile the other big people walking around him obvsky you weren't scared of and the way just being held by him that up you suddenly weren't scared anymore.....

And it perhaps was the next day when you read this beautiful quote on your followed page saying how you want to know the details about someone that nobody knows about like the dreams they dream the rituals they have before sleeping n soon as they are up and wish them morning a9on as they wake up and so on.....

It's exactly what you always missed bout him after the bup cause it jever happened again....

Like earlier he used to share his details but never after even if a bad dream the way he would call you early hours to9 wake you up literally just to tell you how bad of a dream it was and then hold on just so he could go back to sleep with that feel of you being close to him.....according to his adooooorable logic of love you being over the call with him even if just talkig anything random at all was like you beside him as he sleeps...and that used to make him feel safe!!!!

Smthings when you recall and write and this vwey feeeeeeeeel it fills you right now with!!!!!!!


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