Wednesday 25 August 2021


 How much of you did become him away!!!!!!

Listening to his music and the way your toe moving with sound brings back that visual of his toe...

Living this moment now this sudden ting now with every movemnet of your toe it will bring his toe along!!!!!

Th is beauuuuty of some visuals I say!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaa this mind a lil more of Him!!!!!!

The only two things in life that make you feel smthing make you feel alive suddenly alive Him n music...

The rest is all what comes with life!!

A package that you just live but ther are those very fewest of things in life that can make you feel ahhh Life ahhhh Love ahhh to Live and for you it's always been Him n music...

Very lil to ask from life I say did turn out the biggest of ones!!!;

The toe at it again ayyyaaaaa how adooorable of a toe too can it get how  I say how u say charlie!!!!!

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