Sunday 8 August 2021


 With the studio expansion interiors painting furnishing styling n stuff of all the people of all the names the painter turns out to be Mr. razaakh and that one feeeeeeeling of all those initial mad conversations with him from those starting days when he used to call himself razaakh and tell you how razaakh feels for you like everything that he wanted to tell you bout he felt for you he would indirectly say the same being razaakh some names that special and you instead call the painter guy Khan like you tell him you had an issue with pronounciation and call the painter Khan as and when you had to correct smthing during the painting process....

To those sudden moments of amidst work and fabric sourcing when the store for all those 2 hours just plays every Lucky Ali song possible.....and no matter what fabric they are placing before you all you could see feeel think live was was like he was there with you in that very moment there charlie it was that beauuutifully ajeeb like he was there to make you feel that way make you feel all those cause every song that beautifully lined one after the other starts off with o sanam to bekarar to his aa bhi ja it was like he was right there in that very moment with you... You sitting there that beautifully blank with your manager asking you bout the combination and you just couldn't get your head or soul to just look feel think anything but Him...

Just get away and get back in the car play his music and just be for a bit....

Like you just had to be away on your own cause in that moment it wasn't just his Lucky Ali songs but that one feeeeeeeling of him charlie like he was right there almost holding your hand making you feel his presence feel his love for you it's absolute madness even as you write now but after the dream today this morning all of those moments lived only feel more real like there's smthing that connects you with him making you realise feel his love for you despite of the circumstances like there's smthing that's making you still feel his love for you just like back then when he used to try and make you realise his love make you realise its love after all it's the same vibe doesn't make sense and yet this feeeeeeeling that you can't fight....

How's this even possible when you miss him miss smthing bout him miss hearing smthing from him and he comes the very same exact way like you live him exactly that way this morning.....

How's this even possible!!!!!!

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