Saturday 12 October 2019

The reflection...

there is that beautiful smthing of the lil details too...

lilst of them bhi !!

like smthing that small and that random could make you feel him with your eyes open to think of it now is no less than magic... wooooosh bolke !!

just like that !!

or maybe by then you were just that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully high on all Him.......

on your way back as the rains get that beautifully worse and then suddenly stops with raindrops still over the window....

and as it was late evening as the car gets under those beautiful his fav orange street lights and you still sleep haze high on him state of mind watch the reflection of those raindrops from the window forming these dot patterns over your arm and hand.....

and as the car moves slowly through the jam so does the raindrop reflection on the arm.... that beautifully trippy like the drops moving over your arm and for those few mins the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the mind started to feel that feeeeel like it was his hand over your arm.... just like he used to back then just feel your hand when it used to be freshly waxed as he used to that adooooooooooorably call it as...

freshly waxed arm of yours.... was again smthing he loooooooved feeling !!

like he would run his hand over your arm with that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful smile on him......

and you like always just live that beauuuuuuuty of him as you watch his hands over your arm..... every lil beautiful detail of his hand...

to again live that visual of his hand over yours !!

agains mthing you relived after years now...

that evening was like reliving that very same moment as you watch those raindrops moving feel those drops moving over your arm that beautfully visually trippy cause in your mind it was his hand.....

and how strongly you felt him in that moment is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyoooooooond words i say !!!!!!!!!!

like it wasnt the reflection any of the logics at all, to you in that moment it was his hand feeling your arm.....

even writing it now completely lost it but to you alone you know what and how it made you feel his presence in that very moment...

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