Monday 28 October 2019

Speck of hope!!

who hota nai charlie all this while though you know and are that aware of not being hopeful bout things in general smtimes and smtimes bout things that matter the most in your life...

like you think you are not being hopeful enough but there is that some kona in you still holds by to it with that some day kinda thing like without you knowing it intentionally maybe but smthing in you just lets you makes you keep holding subconciously !!

and then there comes that one point when you sort of pull out yourself from the box like you know literally pull out yourself from that lil speck of hope box......

thats what has happened like it dint happen in one instance but over the course of last few days reliving the most loved time of your life and then realizing the now and the then and how things have how he eventually did change.....

and not the same you knew anymore.......

like suddenly smthing in you just changes just realizing living thelast few days.....

its just you now...

just you !!

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