Monday 21 October 2019

Days like these...!

hows that even possible that you missed out on finding these thngs all these years now.....

like this wasnt smthing you cuoldve missed out on !!!!!!

is the logic.....

but the waaaay finding them today in a way changed it all for you from feeling WHAT to this beauuuuutiful happy state of mind that it left you with......

to just live him through these findings be it his words to just listen to his music through smthing of his own.....

happiness, even if you think it to be smthing that lil but to you alone meant the world.....

keep it safe in your bag with that lil khushiiii still screaming through you the waaaay it felt more like your best birthday ever.......

like these gifts of his be it his words that you loooooooooooooved or again smthing to do with his music...

even though you cant really use it but to just have smthing of his......

smthing that special and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he did bring that for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

its like every lil thing charlie including the chocolate wrapper or the coffee toffee that you still have from then its like they all have some version of his love for you attached with it a memory attached a version of him attached to it......

forget bout us kateeee !!!!!!!!!!

as you go through each one of them and with it realize how much of him you did become eventually !!!!!!!

to just be him live that much of him through you !!!!!!!!!!!

its the waaaaaaaaaaay after years its all just that beauuuuuuuutifully there.....

cards you avoid reading today it just dint feel right !!!!!!!!

like the sec you try to open n read just that weird feeeling and you dint want to ruin what did make you happy already......

and just be with what and how those lil findings amde you happppy.....

get off and wear yet another one of those things that you had to wear with him....

his much loved bottle green kurti with jeans on his way again black bindi......

that same feeeeeeling again looking at yourself in the mirror become Him...

get ready and head out and ask your mom to get ready too.....

you just knew which place to head straight to celebrate today......

His melting moments ice cream place exactly where he did take you 10 years back on this very same day the first time...

only thing once there the new place was finally open but his flavor wasnt there nor was the place or quality felt the same so instead just be there with your mom in the car.....

just sit there for a bit live him again loop up and this beautiful glass top your fav thing bout that place now....

as it overlooks the same tree from back then grown huge now....

evening lights only made it look even more beautiful save the moemnt save the Him from back then away.....

that was your moment of celebrating the most important most loooooooooooved day date of  your life...


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