Sunday 8 September 2024


 It’s been a dance viiiibe youday since the start of the day today and all it took was that one moemnt with him on the straits from the dream and the waaaaaay it set that playlist for the day today with allllllll things HIM and howwweeee!!!’n

To this moemnt when watching some nba movie with harlow u instead switch to his disclosure music and find these viiibees and the waaaaaaays they bring him along…

This beauuuuuuty of some days when jus knowing realising how he knewwwwww ur skin too even before anybody else your mom you or the dermat knewwwww……..

When roseee today hits you differently it’s this happppyyy high of the sound of his words at opera touching your skin on the neck awaaaay…….

Chuckling adooooorably as he feels your skin and says you have one very sensitive skin and you tell him it’s normal only and the waaaaaay he has that adooooorable naughty smirk where on a normal day should’ve irritated you but the waaaaay he used to make those faces in moments like these just before saying something stole your heart away again and hiwwweeee……

Trust me karely I knowww I’ve seen you have the most sensitive and delicate one……I didn’t even that hard and your neck is deep red already……and every single time he would say or do something like that you give yourself more and ask him to show what was the hardest like!!!!!!!

And the waaaaaaaaay he just looks you in the eye that one lil smile and thaaaaaaaaat nod THAAAAAAT one nod and leans over you……….

Something’s you write you relive now and this feeeeeeeeeeeelinf right now!!!!!!!

Some tracks some visuals and the waaaaaays they bring him along where you don’t even get the lyrics of the track as it’s some other language but here you are straight tanforedted to opera and in that moment with him…

Zooooooop bolkeeee!!!!!!!

Who would’ve thought struggling with this perfume rash on neck and wrist with different creams is not working but the happppiness it’s been giving you away is beyoooooond!!!!!!

It just makes you happpppppppy even right now living him in that moment from opera ayyyaaaaaAa he was your ultimate poooor heart I swear!!!!!!!

Still is , reliving it now!!!!!!!!!

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