Monday 16 September 2024


 There’s nothing more you’ve loved sound wise the waaaaaaaaaays you’ve loooooooved the sound of his voice like him just talking just chuckling over the call or even those sleep sounds or him screaming every tone of his voice and howwwwweeeeeee you’ve loved that too!!!!!!

And when that’s all you hear all of night yesterday it’s like still ringing through you to that moment when he actually mentions as karely yoohoo my cellphone is ringing can you hear it and you actually wake up laughing over it and realise you were the only one around akele akele laughing over the inside he just cracked!!!!!!

Some moments nai make you feeeel the biggest eeeeedioit possible being alone in the room waking up laughing over but that beauuuuuuuuty of him talking things away just touching feeeeling you away asking you to keep your eyes shut through………even now as you write that echo of his voice is al you can hear every other second calling you karely ayyyaaaaaaaaaa thaaaaaaat one sexyyyyyyyyy tone of his voice!!!!!!!

When you are finally able to see the screen without any discomfort there’s too much him buzzzz be it moments from shoot to finding him there too to the last nights dream to this buzzzzz you wake up with to his sound…

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this level of something anything him fills you up with every single time!!!!!!!

These versions of him and each one of them LOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!!

Howwwe can you possibly loooove the sound of someone’s voice too and who bhi THIS much!!!!!!!!!

And miss it toooo!!!!!!!

Scooooby dooooby doooo what do we dooooo!!!!!!!!!

This state of mind no matter which track playing it’s this sound of HIM in that lowwwww sexy toneee saying things away can’t just can’t I say!!!!!!!

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