Wednesday 18 September 2024


 Him in black ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this heart of mine!!!!!!

SOMETHINGS you can never NEVER get used to and every single time he has come in this one color it’s not the color it’s him in that the waaaaaaaaaaaay he is just different THAT DIFFERENT in that color every single time!!!!!!

It’s like he lets himself feeeel away all that missing for you and most importantly shows it to you that’s how much he has missed you!!!!!

Last night working on edits checking with the photographer not liking the final edit and then having to redo it yourself takes that much of your mind away……and eyes haven’t been this soar the way they feel now!!!!!

It was looking into the direct harsh sunlight for over 5-6 hours and now they feel super dry his ikul eye drops is prolly the only thing you’ve been using now…every time you use it that one heart smile I say recalling those conversations over brands of eye drops too…to finally falling asleep near balcony itself and that feeeeel it’s been years now to sleep the same way in balcony on chair the waaaaay it takes you all those times of talking to him listening to him fall asleep over the call and if you disconnect letting him sleep he calls again on some nights cause that’s how bad he wanted your presence close to him as he sleeps…….to this one rush of his scent with the wind and you go closest to where you could smell him the most and the very second he chummies your face away the waaaaay he does him making the sound for the first time like you could sense by the way chummies that he did miss you a lot…….and as he slowly moves you open your eyes to see he was in your black shirt ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and the waaaay he chuckles away saying soorat dekhi teri and comes again to chummi you and this time you move a lil back to live him in that he tries again and you place your hand over his chest to check him out and the waaaaay he moves trying to make your hand slide in it’s his eyes his smile and that one noddddddddddd of his he does ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaaaay he just looks you in the eye and does that one nod and you rushhhhh to him like that one INSTANT fataaaaaaaak pull just by the way he nods and feeeel his details away with your face as you move……it’s like you could sense his breath his heartbeat as you move and the waaaaaaaaay you could literally feeeeeeel that transitionin him and some moments!!!!!!!!!!

Things you write and relive now nothing I say nothing in the world I say no other face in the world I say no other presence in the world I say does this THIS to you the waaaaaaaaaays He does!!!!!!!!!

It’s that feeeeeeeeeeeeeel when you wake up from a himcoming like that one smiling away reliving his scent his details his skin his smile his that one nod away and that one feeeeeeeeeel of that one visual of him in black can’t be thankful enough for moments like these!!!!!!!

To still be able to live him his details sound of him scent of him away!!!!!!!!!

This morning ever since then like you have to be at work also and then don’t want to also!!!!!!!

Like you can’t hide this feeeeeeeeeeeeel of him rushing through you like now nowwww!!!!!!!!!!

Mom talking asking things all you do is smiling away photographer discussing bout edits and reels all you could do was hmm hmm will call back in sometime cause your mind just wasn’t there!!!!!!

Get in the workout and that zoneeeeeee it further lands you in despite of a early start to the day!!!!

Cause you definitely aren’t a morning person but today feeels different hits differently!!!!!

To dancing away moving away to his two feet is what you call it now too many co incidences with this one…!

To finally feeeeeeeeeeeling him dance too with you it’s a different viiiiiiibe I swear the waaaaaays it feeeeeels to feeeeel him as you move is beautifully maddening…

To finding this new sound aptly named Bluebirds and the visual of it exactly ditto to that of the opera sunsets with Him… same visual of his dashboard to the place around the colors of the sky with that many evenings spent there!!!!!!!

To finding yourself two shades tanner almost and the waaaaays his words ring through you from then…even when the model says mom says to do something with scrub or something to get rid of the tan and that one inside noise haaaaah if only… to the way she adds back then you used to so much and herself hits the pause realising it……

Back then with him for him taking that utmost care of yourself regularly scrubbing obsession with brown sugar and how he loooooooved collecting those sachets whenever at coffee places for you saying it’s for your skin……cause he loooooved feeeeling your skin away the next day of it…

And now it doesn’t even matter it’s this thing charlie something’s you just want to for someone it’s the waaaaay it makes them feeel makes you happy away and ever since then never really paid attention to these things…

Today when seeing yourself red initially post dance and himfeeels this beauuuuuuty of some moments relived…his hands on your arm his fingers drawing that like to feel your skin on the arm and that one THAT ONE expression on him every single time………

This mind this moooood today all and everything bout his facial details…!


Sing miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howwwwwww howwwwwww howwwweeeeeeeee only you are being missed away I say!!!!!!!

Lilst idea bhi!!!!!!!!!!!

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